Serious Chi Gung (Qigong) Beginners
For serious Chi Gung (Qigong) practitioners who had just started out training in Chi Gung and are doing daily Chi Gung breathing exercises, it is important to be aware of how the increase of Chi in their bodies can behave. As the student's Chi (Qi) become stronger and blocked Chi is clearing, it can surface in physical form as well as emotional form. The signs can be positive and/or negative. The physical signs can sometimes be sensations such as heat, warmth, sweat, feeling of contractions, increased strength. The emotional signs can be feelings such as laughter, extreme joy, fear, sadness, anger. When these signs occur, the practitioner should just let it flow through them, dissolving it as it ecapes like gas, particularly if the behavior is negative. It is important that one not act upon any negative feelings and to dissolve these feeling in an "ice to water, water to gas" method.
Chi Gung is different than Nei Gung (a very similar and effective form of internal vital energy work) in which Nei Gung works from the inside out (in terms of the 12 meridians) and Chi Gung works from the outside inward - very much like how acupuncture works in unblocking stagnate Chi. Nei Gung has its advantages but Chi Gung, on the other hand, will work without the student having had much training and can benefit a beginner right away, even before the student can feel it. Chi Gung must follow a method set (as in a step-by-step way to unblock stagnate Chi) but Nei Gung can work all at once without having to go through procedures. Nei Gung may seem like a more desirable way to use Chi but it also takes a very long time and must have proper supervision so as to not cause damage to oneself in practicing. Nei Gung requires very serious training. Therefore, Chi Gung is often taught since there are no adverse effect from doing it improperly. One can gain benefits just by doing and following.