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The Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao

One person's journey of the walk in the Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao Kung Fu

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Name:Sifu Chee
Location:Kona, Hawaii, United States

I am a student in the life-long study of the Yin/Yan of the Tao (The way), a warrior in the fight to regain control over our own health, a promoter of peace by example.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Year of the Dog Demo, Kona Hawaii

Izak, Zack, Gavin- Sword Duel

The good guy always wins Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo (contiuned) Kona, Hawaii

 Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo (continued below), Kona Hawaii

Air Riley
Sifu Larry Posted by Picasa

Kala - Rope Dart

Gavin & Izak Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo (continued) Kona, Hawaii

Grandmaster (Sigong) Michael Vendrell - Cane form
Sifu Chee - (Classical fan) Fighting Fan
Dog Form (Yee Chuan Tao) Grandmaster Michael Vendrell Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo in Kona (continued)

Zack(back), Izak (defend), Gavin (left edge)

 Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo in Kona (continued)

Kala & Kale - Sword Fight with Gim (double-edged sword)

Izak, Gavin sword Play Posted by Picasa

More Year of the Dog Demo in Kona

Riley - Bumbo free
Grandmaster Michael Vendrell-
Dog Form
 Posted by Picasa

Year of the Dog Demo in Kona

Nadia - Shaolin 7

3 Styles - Taiji - Sun (Riley), Yang (Sifu Chee) & Cheng (Kala)

Group- Shaolin Basic 7 thru 12 Forms
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