The following links section will be expanding continuously. Below are some we hope you’ll find helpful and interesting. If you would like to have your site linked here, please contact the webmaster. Mahalo!
The Yin/Yan of Yee Chuan Tao Our blog. Please visit and comment.
Eye of Hawaii Your complete guide to the Big Island, Hawaii.
Nine Psalms Kung Fu Homepage of Sigong Rob Moses.
Golden Harmony Kung Fu Our Kung Fu brothers in Toronto, Canada.
Martial Fitness Good site with lots of info on training and fitness for the serious martial artist.
Kona Shiatsu Clinic Shiatsu (literally "finger pressure") is a Japanese style of acupressure designed to balance the body's own healing energy. It is both realaxing and rejuvinating.
No Empty Sky Original progressive rock from the Big Island featuring Sifu Chee and her husband Kona Lowell
Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Sparring Gear Guide Detailed information on Martial Arts includes tai chi, Kung Fu, sparring gear, Taekwondo, Jiu Jitsu with different styles of martial arts such as karate, Muay Thai, Savate, and Shaolin and Ultimate Fighting Championship.
The Hula Art of Kahea Lani
Beautiful hula artwork available in prints and cards from Big Island dancer, Kahea Lani.
Vendrell Martial Arts Homepage of Sigung Michael Vendrell.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Last Saturday of every April 10am
Medical Research on Tai Chi and Qigong Search
Kung Fu Hawaii on YouTube