For further Information call 938-6157. Please call to confirm attendance for first time student on the day of class.
Mon 6:30pm-7:30pm Kung Fu (Held at Sonson's Progressive Martial Arts - Old Industrial, end of Alapa Street, Waltchris Building, ground level.
Call to check availability on the day if not in class last week.

Wed 5:00pm-6:30pm Tai Chi / Chi Gung. (Far North end - Old Airport Beach grounds, beside the last set of pavilions on the left). All students: Please call no less than 3 hours before class time on the day for class availability
Fri 5:00 pm-6:00pm Kung Fu (time subject to change) Pre-arranged class with Addison Dahlke Lao-Si
Please call 808-938-6157 for current rates.
Payment Due:
Per-class payments due at end of EACH class. Monthly fee due 1st of each month for the current month
We do not hold classes on major holidays. Call 938-6157 if you have questions.